CampaignChain Facebook

This documentation covers the standard Facebook functionality available by default in the CampaignChain Community Edition.


  • Connect a Facebook user or page stream to CampaignChain with username and password
  • Assign a Facebook message to a campaign
  • Include 1 picture in the Facebook message
  • Schedule a message to automatically post it on Facebook at a given date and time
  • Assign a responsible person to a Facebook message
  • Track the customer journey from an included link to the Location of a connected Channel (e.g. a Website page)
  • Once a Facebook update was posted, regularly collect statistical data about likes and comments
  • Ensure that the same Facebook content won’t be posted within 24 hours to avoid a duplicate status message error


The standard Facebook functionality is being provided by CampaignChain, Inc. through these packages:

Although these modules are based on Symfony bundles, they do not work independently of CampaignChain.


The above modules are included in the Community Edition by default.


Before you can post on Facebook from within CampaignChain, an OAuth app must be created in Facebook:

  1. Go to and create a new application by clicking Create New App.
  2. Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description.
  3. Put your website domain in the Site Url field.
  4. Provide the host name of your CampaignChain instance as the Callback URL (e.g. Make sure that you specify the correct scheme (http or https).
  5. The Callback URL’s parts must be identical with the and router.request_context.scheme parameters defined in the app/config/parameters.yml configuration file.
  6. Once you have registered the app, connect to a Location choosing Facebook as the Channel.
  7. When the Provide Application Credentials screen comes up, go back to, select your app and visit the Settings page to copy and paste the App ID and the App Secret and insert it in the Provide Application Credentials form.

Should you want CampaignChain to post to Facebook streams which are not owned by the same Facebook account which owns your OAuth App, then you must have your OAuth App approved by Facebook. To do so, click on App Review on the left menu of your Facebook OAuth App.

The following Facebook login permissions will have to be approved:

  • business_management
  • email
  • manage_pages
  • public_profile
  • publish_actions
  • publish_pages
  • read_insights
  • user_friends


Please post reports, questions, suggestions, etc. at