Community Edition (CE)

The Community Edition has all relevant modules and sample data included so that you can quickly try CampaignChain.

0. Preparation

  1. Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements to run CampaignChain.
  2. Ensure that your MySQL server is running.

1. Download CampaignChain

Download the Community Edition from

Extract the contents of the archive to a directory on your system.

2. Set up Database

Launch the MySQL command-line client and create a new MySQL database for the application.

CREATE DATABASE campaignchain_db;

At the same time, create a user with full privileges to the new database, as shown below:

GRANT ALL on campaignchain_db.* TO 'campaignchain'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'gue55me';

Edit the app/config/parameters.yml file and define the database host, name, user and password.


    database_driver: pdo_mysql
    database_port: null
    database_name: campaignchain_db
    database_user: campaignchain
    database_password: gue55me

From within the application’s root directory, issue the following command which will create the table structures in the database:

$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

3. Register Apps with Various Online Channels

To be able to post to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn from within CampaignChain, register an App with these three services, by following the steps below:

  1. Go to the following pages:
  2. Fill out any required fields.

Once you have registered a new app, you will receive a key and secret that will be displayed to you under above pages.

Now, open the sample data file vendor/campaignchain/distribution-ce/Resources/data/campaignchain/ce.yml and replace the text replaceme with the app key and secret provided by Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

# vendor/campaignchain/distribution-ce/Resources/data/campaignchain/ce.yml
        resourceOwner: Twitter
        # Specify your Twitter Consumer Key and Secret here:
        key: replaceme
        secret: replaceme
        resourceOwner: Facebook
        # Specify your Facebook App key and secret here:
        key: replaceme
        secret: replaceme
        resourceOwner: LinkedIn
        # Specify your Facebook App key and secret here:
        key: replaceme
        secret: replaceme

Next, execute the below command to load the above sample data into CampaignChain:

$ php app/console h4cc_alice_fixtures:load:files --manager=default --type=yaml --seed=42 vendor/campaignchain/distribution-ce/Resources/data/campaignchain/ce.yml

4. Configure CampaignChain Scheduler

The CampaignChain scheduler is a PHP script that executes scheduled Operations.

On Linux or Mac OS X, configure it as a cron job so that it runs automatically every minute:

$ crontab -e -u <username>
*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/symfony2/app/console campaignchain:scheduler

On Windows, you could use the task scheduler or AT command to achieve the same.

5. Get Bitly Access Token

CampaignChain’s CTA tracking mechanism uses Bitly to shorten URLs that contain the tracking ID.

Please request a Bitly access token here:

Next, open the file app/config/config.yml in CampaignChain and replace insert_here_you_bitly_access_token with the access token you requested.

# app/config/config.yml
    access_token: insert_here_your_bitly_access_token

6. Start Server

Use PHP’s built-in Web server to run CampaignChain.

$ php app/console server:run

7. Log In to CampaignChain

Point your Web browser to http://localhost:8000/ and log in with:

  • username: admin
  • password: test

8. Install Modules

Visit the module installation screen at http://localhost:8000/system/modules/ and install all modules.


CampaignChain is now installed, configured and ready for use!

To make full use of CampaignChain’s capabilities, you could now

  1. Configure Call to Action (CTA) tracking
  2. Learn how to create your first campaign and activity